Global imperialism and NATO looking for more wars

Prof. Ameer Hamza virk

Lenin was a great revolutionary teacher and genius – he added enormously to Marxism – the concept of building a revolutionary party. The practical revolution of socialism and the discovery of imperialism are among Lenin’s great achievements, Marx and Engels’ time there was no imperialism (a high stage of the development of capitalism) among other features Lenin described as one of its main features that “capitalism could not exist without war”-two major world wars.

 After that, the global imperialism, which the United States now heads, gave rise to thousands of regional and local wars and civil wars throughout the world and destroyed the whole world to create and maintain a war atmosphere, it is always looking for an artificial enemy.- World imperialism first creates the justification for war and then jumps into this war. It was known that the Japanese were going to attack the port of Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, but he did not defend Pearl Harbor. Still, he allowed it to be attacked and then justified the attack by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan and became the winner of the Second World War. It became and the United States did the same in the case of Iraq – first it told Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait, then it justified the occupation of Kuwait and played eight with the brick of Iraq.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a clear enemy of American imperialism, behind which American imperialism led to many wars and destruction in the regions. The CIA told the American president several months ago that Russia is about to enter troops in Afghanistan. But the imperialism did nothing to stop it. Then by justifying it, the imperialists led by the United States destroyed the entire world, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, and that bloodshed was carried out in the name of Islam, that Allah’s refuge.

 After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the temporary retreat of socialism there, American imperialism was deprived of a visible enemy, so American imperialism hired an invisible enemy, terrorism, to continue its wars and under its guise. The walls of the entire Islamic world were shaken and millions of innocent people were deed. Gorbachev rightly said in his last speech to the Americans in the Russian port of Vladivostok that”

  “As I declare the end of the Cold War, we are punishing you for losing your visible enemy.”

The war of terrorism has caused enormous human, financial and economic losses to the Islamic world including Pakistan. Even in this so-called war, America and its allied imperialist countries were exposed and had to leave Afghanistan in disgrace.

 After that the imperialist Countries and their military alliance NATO went in search of a new war, for which they were looking for since 2018.After the end of Warsaw Pact, NATO had no moral and legal justification, but since that imperialism creates wars.  They expanded NATO Instead of ending it. NATO has been busy increasing wars. NATO, which consisted of only seventeen countries during the Cold War, has now grown to 31 countries, with former Russian states joining NATO.

The US-led imperialist coalition overthrew the previously pro-Russian government in Ukraine to start a new war on Russia’s borders by bringing pro US faction to power in Ukraine. Ukraine’s focus is to enable Ukraine to join NATO, and to enable the installation of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders, and to weaken Asia and Europe militarily.

The United States has the good fortune to have no hostile and powerful state near its borders and therefore has been spared the ravages of every global, local and regional war.

Last week, the 31 member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met in Vilnius, Lithuania to put more pressure on Russia and to continue the war in Ukraine. Ukraine’s accession as a potential 32nd member was on the agenda, but growing divisions within the alliance prevented that from happening.

The divisions also reflected in a NATO summit declaration.That NATO declared NATO a bastion of “individual freedom, human rights and democracy and the rule of law” in Europe and beyond, And committed to the common values of the rule of law, as war continues on the European continent, to build transatlantic bonds, unity, harmony and solidarity at a critical time for our security and international peace and stability.

  The question arises that such a big summit was called to write such things? There was no need for a summit to express these things. He pledged to “intensify political and operational support for Ukraine” and to continue supporting Ukraine in the war “for as long as it takes”. NATO’s summit, however, has expressed its anger against China. This creates suspicion of the summit failure and creates a question mark whether this summit was on the issue of Ukraine or on China.

.” For good measure, the communiqué stated that NATO will at the same time prepare for war with China – a declaration that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) met with a firm rebuttal. “The People’s Republic of China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values,” the communiqué stated.

On July 13, President Biden held a press conference that made clear the goals of the NATO conference, that after the war in Ukraine, the next move could be a move against China in the Pacific region. President Biden said, ” the world is changing, and “we have an opportunity for dynamic change. That is why, as President, I am focusing so much on rebuilding and revitalizing the alliances that are the foundation of American leadership in the world. Through our Quad Partnership (an alliance of Japan, the US, Australia, India and Japan in Asia against China) – which is a fancy way of saying that we have a partnership with Australia, India, Japan and the US, We have the Indo-Pacific.  Bringing the region’s major democracies together to cooperate while keeping them free and open, prosperous, and secure. To build – during this NATO summit, with Indo-Pacific partners joining us for the second year in a row, we are working to deepen the ties between the democracies of the Atlantic and the Pacific so that they share common values. To work better together, we all want strong alliances, versatile partnerships, common purpose, and collective action to meet our common challenges.

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